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HttpContext.Current.Items ["value"]没办法正常工作,因为AngularJS调用会创建新会话




I'm using C#, MVC and AngularJS.


My problem is that my MVC program creates a HttpContext.Current.Items["value"] and sets the value in the initial home controller, but when my AngularJS hits the application with an ajax call, it creates a new session and I can't get the value I set earlier in my HttpContext.Current.Items["value"] call.


Is there something I can do to fix this problem? I'd like to continue using HttpContext.Current.Items["value"].


Why do my AngularJS calls create new sessionids? The reason I know the sessions are new is because they have different ids when I use this:

String strSessionId = HttpContext.Session.SessionID;




HttpContext.Current.Items is a dictionary for request caching only. As soon as the request is finished all of the values in it will go out of scope.

// Will last until the end of the current request
HttpContext.Current.Items["key"] = value;

// When the request is finished, the value can no longer be retrieved
var value = HttpContext.Current.Items["key"];


HttpContext.Current.Session is a dictionary that stores data between requests.

// Will be stored until the user's session expires
HttpContext.Current.Session["key"] = value;

// You can retrieve the value again in the next request, 
// until the session times out.
var value = HttpContext.Current.Session["key"];


The reason why your HttpRequest.Current.Items value is not available again is because you are setting it "in your home controller", which is a completely separate request from your AJAX call.

会话状态取决于cookie,因此,如果将同一cookie发送回服务器,则可以检索在那里存储的数据.幸运的是,如果您在同一域中,则 AJAX将自动将Cookie发送回服务器.

Session state depends on a cookie, so if the same cookie is sent back to the server, the data stored there can be retrieved. Fortunately, if you are on the same domain, AJAX will automatically send the cookie back to the server.

关于更改SessionID, ASP.NET不会为会话分配存储直到使用.因此,您需要在会话状态中显式存储内容才能真正开始会话.有关更多信息,请参见此MSDN文章.

As for the SessionID changing, ASP.NET does not allocate storage for session until it is used. So you need to explicitly store something in session state in order to actually start a session. See this MSDN article for more information.


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